Compare prices and book flights easily

Get to know Sindibad

Sindibad is the first Iraqi company providing seamless online flight reservation services. Everyone can easily book their flights and pay for the ticket through online or cash payment, without the need to visit the company's headquarters.

Fly with the airline you like

Search among all the available airlines including Iraqi Airways, Fly Baghdad, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, and Pegasus Airlines, and choose the airline you find better for you.

Book flights to all destinations

Book your flight to all available destinations including Dubai, Cairo, Istanbul, Beirut, Tehran, Mashhad, Qatar, Malaysia, India, and Italy.

Get access to all flight details

Through Sindibad app or website, you can see all the information about your flight, including flight duration, date, price, airline name, flight class, etc.

Compare flight prices

With a few clicks, you can search among thousands of flights, filter the results based on your preferences like pricing, and book the cheapest flight (and even get a discount on your reservation).

24/7 customer support

There’s no day, night or weekend for us, when it comes to supporting our customers. You can talk to us and get a free consultation on your visa, flight reservation, or else whenever you want. Our customer support team is available through online chat and phone call.

Pay online or we’ll collect – It’s up to you!

After booking your flight, you can choose to pay online using MasterCard, Visa Card, ZainCash, Neo Card or Switch. If paying online is not an option for you, we will receive the payment at your door without charging you any extra fee.

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